Great Pine Celebration


 You Are Invited Join Our

Great Pine Celebration

As the Sun descends to its lowest point in the solar year, we celebrate the awakening of the Great Pine, which transmits a frequency that awakens the other trees. The Earth stops for a heartbeat, and then restarts,  with the new beginnings of Spring, the new song.

Winter Solstice 1:00pm/Great Pine Ceremony/Ani”Tse-Yi-Na’T

 Summerfield, Ohio 43788 Phone: (740) 838-4033

 Thursday  December 22, 2011 starting at 1pm

We still honor the Great Pine and we do not cut them down and drag them into our houses.  We celebrate its life and go out to be with them and join the new energy of life giving force that begins now on the shortest day of the cycle.

The Trees give us the air we need to live, we in turn give it the air it needs to breathe. It is the Tree Of Life.  Its leaves have the same DNA as humans.
We are close relations, dependent on each other.

Honor them this season and honor yourself.

We look forward to celebrating with you All.

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Celebrate The Season With Love

 Have a Happy Exciting New Year

With Family And Friends 

The Learning Center for Human Development

Joy and Laughter to All 



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 11:00 p.m. December 20 EST aligns with

 6:00 a.m. December 21 Cairo, Egypt

 There are people of all Faiths and all Religions coming together to pray and to focus/meditate on celebrating global peace and prosperity at this time. Join us in your places of worship and praising of all good things.

 There are focused points (meaning religious orders and groups and organizations) all over the world that has validated their participation. We are already millions strong, so if you cannot get with organized efforts in other places, do your own; gather with family, neighbours, work, and in public places with those who are willing to take a moment and know You are, because God Is. Serve the World with intent on peace and prosperity this season….Pray and Meditate with us!!!

 It is time that intelligence rises to the call, and the Peoples of this world stand in the light of truth…truth is God by its many sacred names….


There are a great many books describing a connection between the principles of physics and a collective consciousness.  Scientists have reported that when enough atoms within a molecule achieve alignment, this will cause the other atoms to spontaneously align themselves in the same way.  When enough of us begin to think in non-aggressive, harmonious ways to reach the critical mass, there will be an end to Earth destruction, hunger and homelessness.  Let’s stop man’s history of war and imbalance.

When enough of us know the power of prayer and love unites we will change and affect the entire Earth.

The few can make a difference.

We invite people of all faiths to participate in this wonderful event.  If you have asked yourself what you could do to assist the world crises that face us on a daily basis, we suggest you consider this opportunity to make a difference.

If you are not already in a group that works with world healing and prayer, simply invite another person to sit with you and focus on the Earth and the words, “Love, Harmony and Friendship.”

Love, Joy and Laughter

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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This is what I have been talking about in my blogs this is just another way to view and see what nature says to you and read what others have said about nature and how it heals and calms you.  Where I live right now is awesome in what nature displays to me there are areas that you can see for miles in all directions and when the mists come in it shows other worlds you can see islands as the mist settle in the valleys and the animals that come by

I have seen at different times in the year.

Deer come through the fields to the back of the house and go into the forest.

Two foxes playing behind the building on the hill hiding under the building and one teasing the other and it wouldn’t let it come under the building.  (Needless to say it was a joy to watch and it being as unexpected as it was full daylight not at dusk when I know they often travel from one place to another.)

Rabbits on many occasions stand and freeze when I have walked up to the parking lot and then I try to see how close I can get before they run off.

Wild Turkeys have often come from the forest at the back of the house and move into the field.

Because of observing I have gotten to know that some of these places are their regular route that they take on a frequent basis and because I have seen them at different places in the area I can interpret a path.  So this is the route. Turkeys come up from the forest at the side of the house into the field behind having to go a distance through the field to a forested hill up to a paved road crossing the road through a fence following along the fence that has pine trees all along it till they come to another forested hill going down a ways into a open secluded field below.  I have seen more than 15 birds in this flock.   Interesting the deer seems to follow quite a similar path.  They move on these paths both ways.

It doesn’t matter how often they come if I see them I take time to observe them watch the dynamic of the herd or the flock (or is it gaggle no that’s geese) I just looked it up and found out it’s a flock.

 Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha has said:     Just be!

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

Love, Joy and Laughter copy and paste

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The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Quite often we talk but do not listen to what we say.  When we realize that the vibration of speaking is an energy creating our reality and bring to us our lessons to learn from, we will take more care to say words and the emotions that go with the words as to what we want coming back to us.  Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha has told us the Cherokee language has very few words in it so when they spoke it meant something was being communicated not just chic chat or gossip or complaining. 

Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

            Albert Einstein

Wake up and appreciate everything you encounter along your path… Tune in to the sunrise, the little children, the laughter, the rain and the birds. Drink it all in… there is no way to happiness; happiness IS the way.

            Dr Wayne Dyer

One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels

            Dr Wayne Dyer

Gratitude is the attitude of enlightenment. Praising is the raising of vibration.


Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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A Journey

Hi!  I’m going to take you on an interesting journey.  I come out of the house and I have my purse slung over my shoulder crammed to the hilt and very heavy.  I have my boots in hand set them down and clamber into them.  The air is crisp and clean I feel it on my exposed skin, as I begin to walk off the porch a beautiful curtain of snow is blown off of the roof also creating a whirlwind pattern and then disappears.  This is one of the few times the wind shows it’s self.  I continue on up to the parking lot to Patricia’s car.  As we back up to move out of the snow covered parking lot the two dogs Hunter and Sable come to Patricia for a treat.  As we move out of the parking lot you hear the tires crunching on the gravel and snow the snow actually squeaking Sable runs ahead of us all the way to the top of the country road to the paved road all the way to the building part way along the paved road.  Patricia stops and gives her a treat.  She does not follow us any farther.  When the radio is off you can hear the sound the tires make on the paved road if you listen you will hear it.  Looking out the window you see the snow in the valleys and the forests as you pass you look at the houses to see what decorations that they have out, some have the blowup Santa riding a motorcycle and waving.  I am always looking and seeing, from the trees  to the houses  some of the cows and horses there are sheep we pass at this one house and it varies how them have arranged themselves sometimes they are spread out over this small field close to their barn and sometimes lying in a clump together and on occasion they climb all over their feeding ring.  It is easier for me to look and observe many different thing as I am not driving, sometimes there is a stream running parallel to the road and you can see the little waterfalls some hills we pass you can see the frozen waterfalls as they come down the hill a couple of days earlier when it was not so cold one of these falls was flowing forcefully down the hill, beautiful.  There have been times after a rain storm the ditches at the side of the road are moving fast and I have been near enough to them, to hear them giggle and gurgle as they flow by.  It’s such a neat experience.   We are on a different road then the one we started from and it is sing just a little different song.  There is a place that we pass that has dogs and I usually look to see them and just recently there was a lama in their coral. 

Getting out of the car and walk into the store   and am greeted with a hello from one of the cashers and I hi back she recognizing me and me recognizing her.  I looked at some of the new items that are out for the Christmas season and the way they have drawn my attention to them.  Even if you take one item and followed it through the process it has taken for it to be available to you and multiply it a 1000 times with all the different items that are in the store it is absolutely amazing.

The people involved

The processing of the product it self

The packaging

Getting it to the store (loading and unloading)

Putting it on the shelf

You going in to buy it

Cashing out

Going home

Adapting it to what you are using it for

Eating or enjoying it (depending on what it is)

Cleaning up

The ride home is after dark allowing a wonder of the lights that you don’t see during the day making a thrilling and wonderful joyful exciting experience.

Just a little aside, if it’s snowing and the windshield wipers are on it’s another dimension to the road song.

As we re-park in the parking lot and get out there is a wind chime with two chimes on it and the wind comes and plays a tune.

Now see how you can be creative in exploring your universe on a daily basis and share it with others.

You are truly blessed

Love Joy and Laughter

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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Cambridge Choir Sunday December 12, 2010

I had a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon attending the Cambridge Choir Christmas Concert and thoroughly enjoyed experiencing Old Carols I have never heard before and some of the standard favorites done differently. A variety of sound light and movement. The show began with the song Celebration setting the mood and exciting everyone with its upbeat melody. The next song I had never heard before it was from the Hawaiian Islands about Christmas and then into a Winter Wonderland with a soloist and choir.

I Heard bells on Christmas Day is not a song that I remember hearing before. 

The Cambridge Singers Children’s Choir performed with Away in a manger and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer using hand movements to express their songs.

 We had a real treat from a gentleman who was home (first time in 3 years) for Christmas from his job as the music director on a cruise ship and a marvelous saxophone player with a rendition of O Holy Night along with the Choir absolutely awesome.

Leonard Thomas, apparently well known to the Cambridge area did a solo on the piano singing Without A Song with a very beautiful powerful voice.

A New Star Shining is one I have never heard before done by a quintet and choir there is so much more dimension you experience with a choir.  We jump to frivolity and an upbeat tempo with Dig That Crazy Santa Claus.


We begin with Ring the Bells with choir and soloists.  All these songs have different ambiences created by lighting and movement so it is also a visual experience. The shifting of atmosphere begins with a soloist singing the song Tonight, and a narrator presenting a scene theme between each song followed by the choir presenting pageant progression of the birth of Jesus Christ in song

Hallelujah! Light Has Come

Let there be Light a very powerful Chorale arrangement

Bethlehem Calls has a signing interpretation along with the Choir adding still another dimension.

Glory in the Highest a beautiful mix of voices coming from different directions.

Changed by a Baby Boy is still another song I am unfamiliar with.

We believe with a soloist and choir

Joy to the World a song we all know and the closing swinging back into a Christmas Celebration and the choir leaving the stage and going through the audience to the front lobby to greet the patrons as they left.

It was a very joyful and moving afternoon

Live as you want the world and the people in your life to be. Pa’Ris’Ha

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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Celebrate growing older

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha told me about the old ones having wisdom. Here is an old ones wisdom

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of  The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.

8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, and then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

24. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ”In five years, will this matter?”.

26. Always choose life.

27. Forgive everyone everything.

28. What other people think of you is none of your business.

29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

31. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

32. Believe in miracles.

33. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.

34. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

35. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.

36. Your children get only one childhood.

37. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

38. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

39. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

40. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

41. The best is yet to come.

42. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

43. Yield.

44. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

A Quote from Pa’Ris’Ha

As an instrument of God, put your efforts into makingeveryone else “special”.

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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How to Start Each Day

 I create my day.  In this day, I am joyful, respectful, pleasant, nurturing, kind and clear-minded.  In this day I celebrate my total transformation.  My being is a blessing to all, the Source of all things brings into this day.  This day I am empowered by my godly magnificence.  In this day I am loyal to all my commitments.  In this day I celebrate total success in the ideal of being the ultimate reflection of God.  In this day I emanate love to all Creation.

            This day my eyes behold one thousand beautiful reflections of you in my life.  This day I will touch at least 100 sacred objects.      I, in this day, I hold myself in high esteem.  My laughter, my words, my joy, is what I bring to this day.

            In this day I allow myself to be loved.  In this day I accept extended family.  Today I accept the magnificence of myself, the intelligence that I am.    In this day, I am whole.

©Pa’Rish’Ha 2005

Repeat this each morning then perceive your day through a child’s eyes seeing things for the first time.  Really look at what you see.  If it is snowflakes on your window really look at the delicate designs and how each one is different.  If you take the same route to work each day look for what is different, or the tree you recognize in the middle of a field and acknowledge it.  They are speaking to you; since you saw it otherwise you would not seen it. Remember as a child everything is new exciting and wonderful.

If you are a runner and you take the same route each day look to find something different or have a couple of different route.

I have learned from Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha to become the observer both my outer environment and to observe myself inner environment.

Danda’ ganu De’gata’ga

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Activity Center

During the Thanksgiving holidays I spent time with my grandchildren.  I had my camera with me and here is the observation I will share with you.  The activity center that the children share was going to a new home.  The children spent a lot of time having their goodbye play with the center.

I have learned from Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha to spend time observing

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